I am a LIFE COACH who helps overwhelmed and stressed-out parents connect better with their kids, use positive discipline strategies, infuse learning in their every day activities, create a peaceful home environment, and combat the busyness of life by simplifying and designing daily routines and systems that promote health and wellness for the whole family.
Are you looking for ways to raise self-motivated, kind, smart, creative, well-rounded kids who thrive? Are you unsure about how to discipline without being overbearing and crushing your kids’ spirit and personality? Do you find yourself involved in power struggles that too often end in yelling? Are you looking for ways to teach your kids to love learning and be the best version of themselves they can possibly be? Do you worry about their future success in a world that is so competitive and may not value the character traits you hope to instill in them? Are you looking for ways to connect with your kids and have a meaningful, life-long relationship with them? Do you want them to trust you enough to come to you with their problems?
Do you feel like you’ve lost yourself in the grind of parenting? Have you lost your spark and joy for life? Do you look around and wonder where the life you always imagined went? Do you feel one-dimensional and trapped in routines that drive your schedule without leaving you any breathing room? Are you tired all the time, unmotivated, and wishing bedtime rolls around quickly so you can have a moment to yourself? What would it feel like to reconnect with that part of you that is not just surviging, but is actually living out her dreams? And what if I told you that finding your center, and living a more purposeful, balanced life, actually made you a better mom for your kids?
Do you start a new workout routine and diet plan every Monday? Do you find yourself stuck and unmotivated, knowing you should take time to take care of your health, but also not wanting to let anything else on the to-do list fall behind? Do you always find a good reason not to follow through on your goals, only to feel guilty for days on end. Have you lost confidence in your ability to actually stick to a plan? Are you looking for inspiration, guidance, and accountability? Do you want to set the example for your kids, but don’t know where to start? Or maybe, you know what you need to do, but would like help figuring out how to make it work so that you can still meet all of your responsibilities?
Find out more about how you can become the mom you'd like to be for your kids, while living a more balanced, healthy life you actually love.